International Scientific Conference


Organized by the NBC Defence Institute, University of Defence

on September 26th – 27th, 2023 

We would like to invite you to the International Scientific CBRN PROTECT 2023 on 26th – 27th September  2023 in Conference Hall  Barracks Dědice.

Whom is conferention designated for?

Researcher, Academic staff, Students, members of Critical Infrastructure and Defence Industry, members of Rescue System, members of the Army of CZE and experts in CBRN Area Defence.

The konference goals

  • Presentation of results the Science and Research Academic staff of Univerzity, Research Institutes and Institutiones, PhD students results and other Experts in CBRN Area. ;
  • Presentation of practical knowledge and experiences from Military Missions and Training related to CBRN risks and Hazard management;
  • Presentation of practical knowledge and experiences from Interventions carried out in dealing with extraordinary Events associated with the use or leaks of dangerous Substances and the elimination of their Consequences on the environment;
  • Get to know the professional public with current trends in CBRN Defence, new laboratory techniques and other technical Means and Equipment;
  • Establishing mutual contacts and set up the cooperation between Individuals and Institutions;
  • Muttual discusion between konference participants.

The conference is focused on the following areas:

  • General Problems of Protection against CBRN, incl. Toxic Industrial Materials.
  • Detection and Identification of Chemical Agents.
  • Detection and Identification of Radiological Agents.
  • Individual and Collective Protection, Decontamination.
  • Organizational Measures of CBRN Defence and chemical support.
  • Instrumentation and Other Materials for CBRN Defence and chemical support. 

Please accept our cordial invitation to attend the conference and thank the important companies and partners involved in the preparation of the conference.