
Submit the application confirmation, the title, and the abstract of the paper in Czech, Slovak, or English till
February 14st, 2025
via the online form.

Send the complete papers at the latest on 
February 23st, 2025 
via e-mail:

Papers sent after this term will not be accepted.
The conference proceeding will be available
on the conference website.

University of Defence,
Kounicova 300/44, 662 10 Brno,
Academic Council Hall.

The dividing into sections will be executed
according to received applications.

Col. Assoc. Prof. Eng. Martin VLKOVSKÝ, PhD.
Ltc. Prof. Eng. Petr STODOLA, PhD.
Prof. Eng. Ladislav POTUŽÁK, PhD.
Prof. PhDr. Miroslav KRČ, PhD.
Prof. PhDr. RSDr. František HANZLÍK, PhD.
Assoc. Prof. Eng. Miloslav PECINA, PhD.
Col. Assoc. Prof. Eng. Martin VLKOVSKÝ, PhD. – Chairman, Vice Dean
Ltc. Prof. Eng. Petr STODOLA, PhD.
Prof. Eng. Ladislav POTUŽÁK, PhD.
Prof. PhDr. Miroslav KRČ, PhD.
Prof. PhDr. RSDr. František HANZLÍK, PhD.
Assoc. Prof. Eng. Miloslav PECINA, PhD.
Col. Eng. Jan DROZD, PhD.
Eng. Vítězslav JAROŠ, PhD.
Eng. Vítězslav JAROŠ, PhD.
Ltc. Eng. Martin NOVOTNÝ
Maj. Mgr. Kamil FILIPI
Maj. Mgr. Lubomír SKŘIVÁNEK
cpt. Eng. Josef KŘÍŽ
cpt. Eng. Bc. Viktor VITOUL
1Lt. Eng. Daniel KOREC
1Lt. Eng. Petr PROCHÁZKA
1Lt. Eng. Bc. Kateřina HOCOVÁ
Lt. Eng. Ondřej BYRTUS
Eng. et Eng. Darya GOLUBENKO
Eng. Milan ŽILÍNEK