17th International Conference
on Materials and Technologies for Defense and Security
Organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence
on May 24th – 26th, 2023
We would like to invite you to the 17th International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Defence and Security, which will be held as a part of the participation of the Czech Armed Forces at the IDET 2023 International Defence and Security Technology Fair from May 24th to May 26th, 2023 in Brno and Lednice, Czech Republic. The conference builds on the previous 16 successful seminars “Materials and Technologies in Manufacturing of Special Equipment”.
Traditional, already 17th year of this event will be focused on the issues of materials and technologies for the production of special equipment. It will be an expert forum for the exchange of experience in the field of research, development and production of special equipment, including quality assurance. A number of new problems are being addressed in these areas and the exchange of experience represents one of the means to contribute to the development of the technical level and quality of the special equipment of the Czech Armed Forces and their interoperability with other NATO militaries.
We would like to thank all the participants of the MATEDAS 2023 conference, including representatives of major companies and partners, for their participation and wish them a nice time in Lednice and Brno at IDET 2023.
The Conference Organizing Committee together with the Scientific Committee is working on indexing the abstracts in the SCOPUS database abstract collection, which is available here.
The Lednice-Valtice Area
The Lednice-Valtice Area is a unique landscape complex with an area of nearly 300 km2 in the Břeclav district near the border with Austria. Since December 1996, it has been entered into the UNESCO World Heritage List. It has been esteemed as the largest composed landscape in Europe and possibly in the world.