Extended Abstract
The Conference will feature presentations of significant and original research related to the following areas of interest:
- Technology in security and defense;
- Additive technology;
- Advanced materials and technology;
- Biocompatible materials.
The deadline for online submission of extended abstracts is the March 10th, 2023.
The Extended abstract (max. 3 standard A4 pages) serves as a basis for the Scientific Committee of the Conference. Extended abstracts will be included in the Conference proceedings, which will be available in an electronic version. The Conference Scientific Committee will recommend selected authors to extend their abstract into an article and submit it to the recommended journal (Manufacturing Technology, AIMT, MDPI). Authors will be informed of the recommendation no later than June 16th, 2023. All matters related to the peer review process are subject to the internal standards of these journals and the Scientific Committee does not intervene in these peer review processes.
The costs related to the publication of articles in recommended journals are to be covered by the author of the article beyond the Conference fees.
Please send the extended abstract to the Conference contact person by e-mail: